News from Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

News from Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

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Agatha Ruiz de la Prada presents her latest swimwear collection at Gran Canaria Swim Week by Moda Cálida 2021, held at the ExpoMeloneras convention center in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


ARP’s latest commercial collection makes an appearance at Durango Fashion Week 2021, held at the Bicentennial Convention Center in Durango, Mexico.


Cosima & Tristan take on the Clec Fashion Festival 2021 and proudly present the latest ARP designs at the Hemisfèric of the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.


Agatha takes part in the El Capitanas Club debate with Sandra García San Juan and the Mayor of Candelaria, Mari Brito and Agoney Melián, an event organized by the Candelaria City Council, together with the Canary Islands Young Entrepreneurs Associations (AJE Canarias) that took place Cine Viejo de Candelaria Cultural Space in Tenerife.


Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Baby presents their new corner on the kids floor of the El Corte Inglés shopping center in Castellana Madrid.


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